I recently released the RestFIxture v2.0 with some additions and improvements. An effort, having worked on new features and code refactoring, that took about two months.
One thing I have always missed during the past two years of development is the lack of continuous integration with FitNesse; being the RestFixture a "plug-in" to FitNesse. Not a big deal maybe, given the size of the project and the narrow point of integration with FitNesse; but, in the true spirit of Agile software development, having being mildly burned in the past by the integration issues I decided to set up a CI build to gain confidence that both the latest versions of the tools work correctly at any point in time.
The problem was clearly where and how.
CI in the "cloud" with FaZend
I searched for a "cloud" provider of Continuous Integration solutions, and I soon discovered FaZend.com, a company offering hosted SVN, Trac and Hudson for small and medium projects. The service - at the time of writing - is still beta and free of charge.
I like their product; I am a user of such systems, but I also have contributed to the implementation a similar SaaS solution, for BT, two years ago, in our internal cloud and for our developers community. So I fully appreciate the value of a point and click hosted solution to sort out this curcial piece of the development environment.
FaZend is therefore a good fit: it's ideal for a Java based stack, runs Hudson - not Jenkins - one of the best CI servers out there, and it doesn't cost a penny. Having said that, as both RestFixture and FitNesse are hosted on GitHub, I don't need Trac and SVN (well, it turns out that I do need SVN, as I will explain later)
Few comments to summarise my experience (so far) with the service.
Reading the FaZend website I discovered that on Sign up, the CI features of the service are disabled and that it's at discrection of the company to enable users.
So I dropped an email to the support email address to explain my plan and check if it was possible to have CI. Straight after I got the thumbs up response from Yegor (the CTO) and an invite to sign up. And so I did.
Yegor enabled Hudson on my account and also bothered to create an initial project skeleton and so I was ready to go.
The project configuration is accessible via the "CI settings" page and offers the possibilty to set the essential information for the build to start. Pretty easy if edited alongside the tutorial available in the website.
The CI server offers SVN, GIT and Mercurial integration. It turns out, though, that the Git plugin used by Hudson isn't working very well and code can't be cloned from GitHub. Because that Hudson is very much locked down and only accessible via the CI settings (even the workspace is forbidden), it's hard to see what's going on. So I left with it to FaZend to sort it out (albeit I have offered help, if needed).
From the FaZend portal you can also set access control lists to setup everybody participating to the development of the project being build. As I am currently the sole developer of the ResatFixture, I didn't bother to go beyhond the default setup (allow r/w to the account and forbid everything to everybody else).
And there you go, here it is the RestFixture Integration build with logs and metrics published for reference.
Update: The RestFixture-CI is now obsolete, now that FaZend hudson has a working Git/GitHub plugin.
The build strategy is very simple: a) clone the FitNesse master branch, b) clone the RestFixture master branch, c) build FitNesse, d) deploy the new fitnesse.jar in the RestFixture lib directory and then d) build and test the RestFixture. It's all in the RestFixture-CI build file in it's entirity.
Update: The RestFixture-CI is now obsolete, now that FaZend hudson has a working Git/GitHub plugin.
At the time of writing the RestFixture-CI project - holding the build file and the necessary dependencies is available on GitHub, but also on the FaZend SVN, where the Hudson picks it from. It's not ideal, but given that the project isn't changing that often it's OK to double commit (to git and svn) every time.
And, the FaZend CI configuration that allows the build to run in Hudson, for everybody's benefit, is:
people: *
scm: svn
url: svn://svn.fazend.com/RestFixtureIntegr/trunk
tool: ant
target: test-integration
junit: build/restfixture-git-ro/build/reports/unit/html
fitnesse: build/restfixture-git-ro/build/reports/fitnesse
cpd: build/restfixture-git-ro/build/reports/metrics/cpd
pmd: build/restfixture-git-ro/build/reports/metrics/pmd
checkstyle: build/restfixture-git-ro/build/reports/metrics/checkstyle
ckjm: build/restfixture-git-ro/build/reports/metrics/ckjm
coverage: build/restfixture-git-ro/build/reports/metrics/coverage
crap4j: build/restfixture-git-ro/build/reports/metrics/crap4j
findbugs: build/restfixture-git-ro/build/reports/metrics/findbugs
jdepend: build/restfixture-git-ro/build/reports/metrics/jdepend
More about the ant build
To implement the above strategy I had to - somehow - clone the two git master branches. Not being able to rely on accessing the underlying OS for the git command (albeit it turns out that it may be possible, but I haven't tried), I opted a full java solution.
I therefore implemented two simple Ant clone and pull tasks wrapping the jGit API. The project is called jgit-ant and it's available on GitHub. At the moment only cloning and pulling is implemented, which is just about what I need for this build to execute.
Having the 'clone' sorted, it was time to build.
FitNesse was a pain to build: the target "createUpdateList" simply doesn't work unless the build is started from the same directory as the build file. The (ugly) solution was to call the ant launcher via %lt;java>; importantly, it's necessary to set the attribute dir to the master branch directory for it to work.
After that an ant call to the RestFixture build completes the job.
The build overall takes less than 4 minutes, which is not bad. This, incidentally, suggests that the network connection between the hardware hosting Hudson and GitHub is pretty fast. (Running the build locally takes 30% more, having the clone task as the bottleneck).
Furthermore, after having properly crafted the build file to check for pull failures (that trigger a clone) and repository modifications (that trigger a build), now the build takes only 1 second if no mods/builds are executed, improving even further the feedback loop.
After releasing RestFixture v2.0 I wanted to add another safety net for spotting integration isssues with FitNesse, given that RestFixture and FitNesse development lifecycles are completely disjointed.
A Java based continuous integration hosted solution is what I was looking for. And FaZend ticks all the boxes (other than being the cheapest).
Very few issues along the way and in a total of half a day I set up the build to periodically integrate the two tools.
I am pretty happy with the result. I'll keep an eye on the solution to the Git Hudson plugin situation and possibly clean up the build process.
After releasing RestFixture v2.0 I wanted to add another safety net for spotting integration isssues with FitNesse, given that RestFixture and FitNesse development lifecycles are completely disjointed.
A Java based continuous integration hosted solution is what I was looking for. And FaZend ticks all the boxes (other than being the cheapest).
Very few issues along the way and in a total of half a day I set up the build to periodically integrate the two tools.
I am pretty happy with the result. I'll keep an eye on the solution to the Git Hudson plugin situation and possibly clean up the build process.
Congrats fab! This is pretty cool. Kind of surprised that there aren't CI solutions for opensource projects.
Hey Andy, it's quite difficult to get it right: it's not like providing a wrapper around git or svn and some storage. CI requires much more in depth control on the underlying system and loads more CPU power (which is more expensive than storage).
very good tutorial and can hopefully help me in building json in the application that I created for this lecture. thank you
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